About the workshop
Building on existing policy and strategy work, as well as previous activities undertaken in the MASTT2040 project, the MASTT2040 consortium is implementing two roadmapping workshops. During this first workshop, we will develop a number of concrete pathways for a more competitive, resilient and green European manufacturing industry by 2040. We will focus on the role Manufacturing-as-a-Service (MaaS) can play therein as well as identify barriers and priority actions that need to be addressed to arrive at promising visions for the future of European manufacturing in 2040.
Who should participate
We invite all stakeholders from industry, research and policy that are interested in identifying actionable pathways for a competitive, sustainable and social European manufacturing industry.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis!
Expected results & next steps
During this interactive workshop, four roadmaps will be drafted based on future visions of manufacturing that will inform industry, research and policy strategies as well as the implementation of successful future MaaS business models and applications. During the second workshop, we will further concretize high-priority actions and formulate recommendations towards industry & policy on how to successfully realise the most impactful future visions for MaaS in European industry.
Part one (10:00-12:00 am):
Based on draft visions of future MaaS that will be made available to the participants prior to the workshop, the participants will during a World-Café exercise discuss, adapt, validate and present the four MaaS visions.
Part two (1:00 – 3:00 pm):
In a number of break-out sessions, the participants will develop concrete roadmaps along three timeframes until 2040 that can guide stakeholders towards the realisation of the four MaaS visions.
Part three (3:30 – 5:00 pm):
Participants will identify those roadmap aspects that are of highest relevance for realising the digital, green, resilient and human-centred transformation of European industry by 2040.
Event location
Polish National Centre for Research and Development Brussels officeRue Belliard 40
1040 Brüssel
Coordinates (lat, long):
50.826046, 4.380205
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