Bild von David von Bassewitz


Qualifizierungsangebot für Lebenswissenschaftler:innen der MHH

    Reliable and modern IT services are crucial for successful research. In particular, current research directions towards artificial intelligence (AI) in health care demand for next level storage, handling of big data and computing power. The science team of the central IT-services presents an overview of IT infrastructure, IT-services and best practices for researchers at the Medical School Hannover (MHH). Participants are kindly invited to join the discussion for Q/A, ideas, or improvements.


    • Introduction to Medical School Hannover IT (MIT) and the IT infrastructure
    • Which data and IT-services are provided for research?
    • Which hard- and software is available for research?
    • Best IT-practices and IT-tools at the MHH in for
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Agile project management
      • Code Management
      • Data Capture
      • Data Analysis
      • Multicentric/cooperative research
      • Bio sample and lab processes
      • OMICS and big data
    • How and where do I get support?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Target group: Scientists/researchers of the MHH​​​​​​​

    Date: 06.03.2025, 14:30 - 16:00 Uhr / o'clock, Online

    Language: English

    Speaker: Dr. Markus Kersting | Medical School Hannover IT (MIT), MHH

    Dr. Markus Kersting was born in Bückeburg in lower Saxony, Germany. After receiving a diploma in business economics and computer science from the University of Osnabrück in 1998 he was working as CIO for two different marketing companies. In 2005 he joined the Medical School Hannover (MHH) and earned a doctorate in primary care and medical informatics in 2011. Since 2012 Markus Kersting was responsible for building up the IT infrastructure for the new founded Hannover Unified Biobank (HUB). Currently he is working as senior IT consultant and IT project manager in the MHH central it. Since 2004 he is also working as a freelancer in the area of software development, business intelligence, scientific data analysis & IT consulting.


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