
ML4QT | Call for Contributions

The Symposium Machine Learning to Advance Quantum Technologies (ML4QT) is designed as a premier forum for researchers and developers who are passionate about the intersection of machine learning and quantum technologies. You are invited to submit a talk or a poster (including a mini presentation) on your current work and findings regarding Quantum and/or AI research.​​​​​​​ 
​​​​​​​The program includes keynotes, invited and contributed talks as well as plenary discussions. There will also be a poster session, an evening event and a conference dinner.​​​​​​​

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You are invited to submit a talk or a poster (including a mini presentation) on your current work and findings regarding Quantum and/or AI research. Especially welcome are submissions corresponding to recent research in (quantum) machine learning. Topics include, but are not limited, to:

  • Machine Learning for Quantum Hardware 
  • Machine Learning for Quantum Software
  • Machine Learning for Research 

Submissions are possible until April 18, 2025. Acceptance notifications will be sent until May 12, 2025. 

Evening Event

For the evening event we plan to do a science slam. Are you a science slammer yourself and want to contribute to the program with this or another one of your talents? We would be happy to reach out to you.


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