Registration has ended

The doc.funds program is a competitive funding instrument for the promotion of excellent, structured doctoral training oriented towards international standards. The 6th call is open to applications for additional funding for any structured doctoral programme launched at least 2 years prior to the submission deadline at a doctoral research institution. The funding is designed for a period of four years; the university (or universities) offering the program must commit themselves to providing the basic funding and the institutional anchoring of the programme. The current call will run until March 20, 2023, with a final decision to be made in November 2023.

With the 3rd call of the doc.funds.connect program, the FWF is facilitating cooperative doctoral training between universities and universities of applied sciences on the initiative of the BMBWF and in cooperation with the Christian Doppler Research Association. The program promotes collaboration between the institutions, enhances the research capabilities of universities of applied sciences, and provides doctoral students with additional career development opportunities. The third call will run until March 20, 2023, with a decision to be made in November 2023.

In this virtual information event, the program specifics and application guidelines of both programs will be presented and specific aspects of the application process will be addressed. After the presentation, you will have the opportunity to clarify any open questions.

Please sign up for this event using the registration link below. Once you have signed up to attend, you will receive a confirmation email including the access data for the webinar. Participation is free of charge. The number of participants is limited. Information webinars usually take place when there are at least 25 participants.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This webinar will be held in English.
Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch. Deutschsprachige Webinare finden am 22. Februar und 01. März 2023 statt.

Teilnehmer:in // Participant

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The registration for this event has ended.