This conference forms part of the joint project “Lehrerbildung PLUS: Heterogenität und Digitalisierung” (Heterogeneity and Digitalisation) between the Ludwigsburg University of Education and Stuttgart University and is convened by Prof. Dr. Jörg-U. Keßler, Richard Powers, Prof. Dr. Marc Priewe, Dr. Saskia Schabio, and Prof. Dr. Götz Schwab.
We look forward to receiving applications from scholars of all disciplines related to Foreign Language Teaching, with an emphasis on English and American Studies within one of the following formats:
Research Papers
We invite you to submit an abstract of up to 250 words (excluding references) by September 30, 2022, along with a brief biographical sketch (150 words). At the conference, presentations of accepted papers will be 20 minutes, plus discussion at the end of each session.
Please submit your poster title and a description of up to 250 words (excluding references) with your innovative virtual teaching ideas by September 30, 2022, along with a brief biographical sketch (150 words).
Please note: In addition to submitting your abstract via eveeno, please send an email attachment to