Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Zossener Str. 65, Berlin
doors open 8:00pm / concert 8:30pm
"Canadian composer John Kameel Farah treats the organ as the first analog synthesizer, looping and processing its sounds, and improvising over electronic patterns and soundscapes, intertwining Middle-Eastern modes and melodies with Renaissance and Baroque harmonies and counterpoint. The interplay of organ and synthesizer sounds blur and meld as they reverberate in the church's acoustic space."
John Kameel Farah is a Canadian composer-pianist based in Berlin. He studied piano and composition at the University of Toronto, where he was a two-time recipient of the Glenn Gould Composition Award, later having private lessons with Terry Riley in California. In 1998 he gave a recital of the solo piano works of Arnold Schönberg in Toronto, and in 2016 performed the first book of Bach’s “Das Wohltemperierte Klavier” in Berlin.
Collaborations have included Canadian choreographers Peggy Baker and Robert Binet, as well as with astrophysicist John Dubinski, composing soundtracks to simulations of galactic formations and collisions. He has been a member of the Canadian Electronic Ensemble since 2009.
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