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Literature and the arts provide safe spaces, enabling our capacity of imagining “what it would be like to be in the position of someone very different from oneself” (Martha Nussbaum 2002: 289). In principle, this capacity for perspective-taking may extend to multispecies awareness and therefore advance environmental literacy.
Come and join us for an online workshop featuring the poetry of Mapuche women poets in Argentinia. Mapuche-Argentinian poet Liliana Ancala will read and discuss her work with Paul Dávila (BtE/CdW-Referent) and Rocío Rueda (BtE/CdW-Referentin).
Featuring the programme CHAT der WELTEN,  this workshop explores the potential of literature and the arts as ‘practices of hope’ in online intercultural collaboration projects with contributors from the Global South.
For more, click here. Please note: The workshop is held German.


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