Anmeldung beendet
Even though we cannot meet face to face we can still stay connected with people from all around the world. Are you interested in meeting people from different countries and would you like to learn more about intercultural aspects, experiences and to share cooking skills and favourite recipes? Discover the flavors from other parts of the world and of course have fun together! Like in a real ijgd workcamp, we will come together and get to know each other, play games and have different digital workshops. We would like to encourage you to do some tasks offline and share the outcomes with the other participants. Your online ijgd workcamp leaders will spend 4 days with you during which we can create an online camp-family. The highlights of the ijgd camp will be intercultural learning and exploring cuisines from all around the globe.
When: Friday, 7.5. from 18:30h to 20h
Saturday, 8.5. from 10h to 14:30h, 1h break included
Saturday, 15.5. from 10h to 14:30h, 1h break included
Sunday, 16.5. from 10h to 14:30h, 1h break included
During the first and the second weekend you will do some certain task (which you will present on the second weekend)
How: Via Zoom, we will send you a Link to join the virtual Camp
Requierements: Internet connection, Laptop(first choice) or mobilephone, interested in intercultural learning and cooking!
Language: English
Cost: free
Age 16-26 years for participants around the world
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