Registration has ended

With the #ConnectingMinds program, the Austrian Science Fund FWF encourages researchers to involve non-academic stakeholders in their research projects. Funding is available to teams that combine both academic and social knowledge and are applying them to help tackle social, technological, ecological, and economic challenges. The focus is on transdisciplinarity, innovative research approaches, and support for community engagement and collective learning spaces.

This virtual information event will focus on program specifics and application guidelines and address specific aspects of the application process. You will have the opportunity to clarify any open questions. More detailed information can be found here.

A registration is necessary to attend. Once you have signed up, you will receive a confirmation email including the access data for the webinar.

Further details on FWF events can be found online under Informational Events and Workshops.

This event will be held in English.

Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch

Teilnehmer:in // Participant

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Your personal data entered above will only be processed and stored for the purposes of organising and running the event and, if necessary, for contacting you within the scope of these purposes. This personal data will be deleted after the event. Processing this data is necessary for the purpose of holding the event you are currently signing up for. The legal basis for processing this data is in particular Article 6 (1) item b of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) will treat your personal data as strictly confidential. We will not disclose your personal data to third parties or use it for any purposes other than those stated in our privacy policy. For further information on data processing at the FWF, please see our privacy policy:

The registration for this event has ended.