Anmeldung beendet

 Since April 2021, ESPRIT (“Early Stage Programme: Research, Innovation, Training“) offers highly qualified postdocs an improved opportunity for advancing their academic careers. ESPRIT strives to support researchers as best as possible in their career development, to integrate them into Austrian cutting-edge research, and to further promote equal opportunities and diversity.

The FWF also places particular emphasis on the promotion of women. The programme offers specific measures to promote women’s careers, such as child allowances for full-time employed mothers of children up to the age of 3, coaching and networking activities, and visibility measures for women. Furthermore, the FWF aims to award at least half of the projects in the program to female principal investigators. Ongoing projects offer a lot of flexibility and can be continued with a global budget if the researcher receives a tenure-track position during the course of the project.

In a virtual information event, the program specifics and application guidelines will be presented and specific aspects of the application process will be addressed. After the presentation, you will have the opportunity to pose open questions. Please sign up for this event below. Once you have signed up to attend, you will receive a confirmation email including the access data for the webinar.

​​​​​​​This webinar will be held in English

Teilnehmer:in // Participant

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Die Anmeldung für diese Veranstaltung ist leider beendet.