Registration has ended

FlensMUN 2024 Delegate Registration Form

This is the registration form for delegates to FlensMUN 2024, taking place from 23rd of May until 26th of May 2024. This years topic is "Exposed to the 4 Elements: Mitigating and Managing the Consequences of Climate Change".

Personal Data

Your Experience and Motivation

This year's committees and countries

There are two committees at our conference that you can choose from.

Economic and Social Council

Human Rights Council

If you are unsure about the committees, checkout further information on our website:​​​​​​​

Please indicate your committee priorities.

In the following, please enter your three country priorities for each committee. To see which countries are available for each committee, please read the following PDF: Available Countries.

E.g.: 1. United Kingdom, 2. New Zeland, 3. Germany

The respective places on the committees will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. In some circumstances, it could happen that the priorities you have selected are already assigned to someone else. The following box is for when your exact priorities cannot be met.

If you would like to participate together with your friends, please agree on a shared group tag and put in the box below. You are still going to represent a country in a committee individually. However there are two options: You represent seperate countries in the same committee or you represent the same country in seperate committees (this option only works for groups of max. 2 people). Therefore, please fill out your preferences according to your group preferences.

We are trying our best to assign countries and committees in order for you to stay together but cannot guarantee anything.

This year's social events

As last year, we will be offering several social events throughout the conference.

To be able to estimate how many people will attend each social event, we would like to know if you consider attending any of the following events (answers are of course not binding).

Additional Information

The FlensMUN 2024 should be designed to be an event for everyone. In order for everyone to feel comfortable, we would like to know if you have any special circumstances or needs.

At the moment, we are working on organising a discount for a local hostel as well as potential hostfamilies. We cannot guarantee that we are able to provide something. Would you need an accommodation?

For our thursday social event, we would like to offer a small international buffet. Everybody has the opportunity to bring something along. In order for us to coordinate and plan, we would like to ask whether you are interested in bringing something and if so what it would be.

Payment and Privacy and Data Protection

In order to create a unique conference we are asking for a participation fee of 35,00 € (includes lunch on friday and saturday, coffee breaks during the whole conference, entries to all social and academic events).
Please note: The assignment of your country and committee will happen once the money has been transfered to our bank account. You will find the bank account details in the confirmation email to this registration form.
Furthermore, if you are financially unable to pay the participation fee, please reach out to us and we can find a solution. Everyone should have the ability to participate no matter their financial situation!

Since this event is a public event, photos and videos will be taken for marketing purposes. With my participation I agree to these recordings.

You have to accept our data protection rules in order to register for this event.

We are looking forward to seeing you in May!

The registration for this event has ended.