Registration has ended

Willkommen zum Studium in Deutschland

Welcome to your studies in Germany! From home: Exercise German, prepare for your studies at our institution and your life in Augsburg, and connect with other students!

This virtual course requires a minimum B1 German level and takes four weeks, starting September 13 (originally: Sept. 16). It is divided into two parts: In the first two weeks, you will train with a coach and by yourself or in groups moderated by the coach. In the second two weeks, your studies start, and you are free to complete the course independently with access to all necessary tools.

If you want to join your peers, learn German and get to know your new surroundings, register by September 13.

Please note that this course is free, and your registration is binding.

If you have any questions beforehand, do not hesitate to reach out to Marie Heinze (

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the THA!


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The registration for this event has ended.