Hobirk, MPI für Chemische Energiekonversion


The Summer School ‚Modern Wavefunction Based Methods in Electronic Structure Theory‘ (MWM23) is directed towards highly motivated Ph.D. students and postdocs who want to deepen their knowledge in the field of ab initio electronic structure theory. In the recent past, wavefunction based ab initio methods have received revived interest in the theoretical chemistry community. It is generally recognized that these methods provide a systematic, accurate and transparent route towards solving the molecular Schrödinger equation to high precision. For a long time the high computational cost that is characteristic of these methods has precluded their large-scale application in chemistry. However, modern algorithms, modern hardware and reduced scaling approaches have drastically changed this situation and led to a widespread use of wavefunction based methods in computational chemistry.

The physical basis of wavefunction based methods involves an elaborate apparatus of advanced mathematical and physical concepts that is frequently beyond a typical university curriculum. Hence, in order to be able to do research in this field, it is necessary that young researchers get familiar with these concepts. The MWM23 school is aiming at filling this gap by providing lectures and tutorials that are designed to introduce the students to the advanced concepts of ab initio electronic structure theory. Furthermore, the school will provide ample opportunity for discussion between the participants, teachers and tutors in which specialized and research-oriented questions can be addressed.

Lectures & Tutorial Sessions
Poster Sessions & Clinics


Keynote Lecture

Benedetta Mennucci, University of Pisa


Jürgen Gauss, University of Mainz
Frank Neese, MPI für Kohlenforschung

Filippo Lipparini (local organization)