Anmeldung beendet

6th Annual BayWISS Network Meeting

Life Sciences & Green Technologies

Nutrition and Climate - Impact on Sustainable Development


  • from 10:30 am: Registration and reception
  • 11:00 am: Guided tour of the Kulmbach Campus (Prof. Dr. Corina Vlot-Schuster and Prof. Dr. Christian Fikar)
  • 12:00 am: Network lunch
  • 01:00 pm: Opening by Prof. Dr. Janin Henkel-Oberländer (Dean of Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health, Uni Bayreuth)
  • 01:15 pm: Welcome by Prof. Dr. Corina Vlot-Schuster  (University of Bayreuth) and Prof. Dr. Jörg Ewald (Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences), Spokesperson of the BayWISS Joint Academic Partnership Life Sciences and Green Technologies
  • 01:30 pm: Presentations by BayWISS doctoral candidates
    • Omer Shlomi (HSWT / LMU): An assessment of the adaption of wheat, barley and maize cultivation under dry conditions in Franconia, bavaria.
    • Mitchell Mahachi (HSWT / TUM): Critical success factors for implementation of vertical farming in African mega cities. A case study of Lagos.
    • Daniel Lenz (HSWT / LMU): Influence of water management on GHG-balances along a landuse-intensity gradient in fen peatlands.
    • Anis Dzankovic (HSWT / Uni Bayreuth): Interventions in seed supply chains - case of smallholder tomato producers in Ethiopia.
  • 03:00 pm: Honoring of the completed doctorates in the BayWISS Joint Academic Partnership Life Sciences and Green Technologies
  • 03:15 pm: Networking and coffee break
  • 04:15 pm: Panel discussion (in German!) on the topic: Nutrition and climate – impact on sustainable development
    • Panel Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Machold (Professor of Quality and safety of food of animal origin and food law, HSWT)
    • Panel Members:
      • Prof. Dr. Susanne Baldermann (Professorship of Food Metabolome, Uni Bayreuth)
      • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tina Bartelmeß (Junior Professor of Food Sociology, Uni Bayreuth)
      • Dr. Thomas Kunte ( Leitung Forschung & Entwicklung, IREKS GmbH, Kulmbach )
      • Prof. Dr. Özlem Özmutlu (Professor of Food Technology and Processing, Alternative Proteins, Director of the Institute for Food Technology, HSWT)
      • Rainer Prischenk (Bereichsleiter Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Regierung von Oberfranken)
      • Sabine Wittmann (BayWISS doctoral candidate, Vertical Farming, HSWT)
  • 05:15 pm: Closing Remarks

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6. Annual Networking Meeting of the BayWISS Joint Academic Partnership Life Sciences and Green Technologies

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In order to get to know the Kulmbach Campus and the on-site research groups better, you have the opportunity to take part in a guided tour of the campus. If you are interested, please select this option below.

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