Bild von David von Bassewitz


Qualifizierungsangebot für Lebenswissenschaftler:innen der MHH

    You want to convince the scientific world of your idea and raise funds for it. What are the right words? How do I convince the professional and lay world? In this workshop, you will learn tips and ideas in the field of life science research.


    • Develop and sell a research idea by matching it to the goals of the targeted funding body.
    • Convince reviewers of the relevance and importance of the research idea.
    • Develop a work plan with milestones, deliverables and contingency plans.
    • Understand reviewers’ reading behaviour​​​​​​​

    Target audience:​​​​​​​ Life scientists of the MHH (PostDocs and further)

    Date: 30.10.2025 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr / o'clock

    Language: English

    Location: MHH Medizinische Hoschule Hannover (Raumnummer folgt)


    Dr. Ann-Kathrin Knöfel

    Dr. Ann-Kathrin Knöfel completed her doctorate in pathophysiology at the University of Greifswald. She worked as a postdoc at HTTG for 15 years and now supports physicians and researchers in the life sciences on issues of further education and national applications. Since 2022, she has been working as a research officer in the FWT2 Staff Unit of the MHH.​​​​​​​

    Jessica Schmitz

    Jessica Schmitz studied human biology and worked in organ transplantation, immunology and cancer research projects at universities of Gießen, Göttingen and Hannover for 12 years. Since 2022, she has supported researchers as a technology transfer and innovation manager in the FWT2 Staff Unit of the MHH.


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