
Dear Start-up BW Summit participants,

we want to offer you more than just another start-up fair because Baden-Württemberg is not just another German state!

Do you want to discover the start-up environment in Baden-Württemberg? Then join our Start-up BW Discovery Tours!

We offer our international participants the unique chance to discover different start-up hubs in Baden-Württemberg:  

Day 1, Monday, 4th of February 2019:

-       Tour 1: Mannheim and Heidelberg with focus on Life Science und Organic Electronics

o    Start at CUBEX 41: Introduction to the start-up-ecosystem Mannheim-Heidelberg-Walldorf

o    Visit Technologypark Heidelberg 

o    Visit a company related to the focus of the tour

-       Tour 2: Karlsruhe with focus on Software, CyberSecurity, Smart Production

o    Start at CyberForum Karlsruhe: Introduction to the start-up-ecosystem Karlsruhe

o    Visit FZI Research Center for Information Technology - House of living labs

o    Lunch at Hoepfner Burghof

o    Transfer to Baden-Baden with Baden-Baden City Tour and Get-together at Elan incubator center

-       Tour 3: Stuttgart with focus on Automotive, Engineering, New Mobility

o    Start at M.Tech Accelerator: Introduction to the start-up-ecosystem Stuttgart

o    Visit Arena 2036 and presentation from Startup Autobahn/ NAiSE/ ThingOS

o    Visit an automotive company

-       Tour 4: Freiburg with focus on Green Economy and Microsystemtechnology

o    Start at Kreativpark Lokhalle with <SMART> GREEN Accelerator: Introduction to the start-up-ecosystem Freiburg

o    Visit badenCampus-Accelerator

o    Visit a company of microTEC Cluster

Day 2, Tuesday 5th of February 2019:

-       Tour 1: Walldorf and Heilbronn with focus on IoT, Big Data and Industry 4.0

o    Start at innoWerft Walldorf with Up2B-Accelerator: Introduction to the start-up-ecosystem Mannheim-Heidelberg-Walldorf

o    Visit SAP

o    Visit a company in the area of Heilbronn related to Industry 4.0 and introduction to the start-up-ecosystem Heilbronn

-       Tour 2: Reutlingen and Tübingen with focus on Life Science

o    Start at IHK-Academy Reutlingen: Introduction to the start-up-ecosystem Neckar-Alb

o    Visit Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) and Techologyparks Tübingen-Reutlingen (TTR)

o    Visit a company with focus on Life Science

-       Tour 3: Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg with focus on Creative Industries

o    Start at Sandbox: Introduction to the start-up-ecosystem Stuttgart

o    Visit Filmacademy Ludwigsburg

o    Visit a company from the Film and Media Center Ludwigsburg

-       Tour 4: Ostwürttemberg and Ulm with focus on Photonics

o    Start at IHK Ostwürttemberg: Introduction to the Start-up-region Ostwürttemberg

o    Visit Zeiss

o    Visit TFU - Start-up and innovation center: Introduction to the Start-up-region Ulm

o    Visit Philips GmbH U-L-M Photonics

Click here to register »



Nina Lehfer

Regional Manager China & Start-ups

Department International Economic Cooperation and Location Marketing


Agency for International Economic and Scientific Cooperation

Haus der Wirtschaft ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­– Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19 – 70174 Stuttgart – Germany

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CEO: Dr. Kai Schmidt-Eisenlohr

Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing