Registration has ended
Throughout the RWTH Incubation Program, start-ups are supported in both economic and technical terms. You will receive the necessary support to further develop your business plan, plan your market entry and get investors ready. Furthermore, you will have access to our six different specialist verticals. These include the relevant institutes and companies at RWTH Aachen University, which will support you in the development and testing of your prototype, provide access to the necessary tools, experts and resources and give you the opportunity to use the right network for your start-up.
It's all about what you do with your time in the program. The program is flexible and is designed to meet the individual needs of each start-up. Our goal is to maximize the time you spend developing products, interacting with customers, and talking to investors - and give you access to the resources you need.
The program is flexible, with a duration of 4 months. We are accepting applications for the Fall 2021 batch now! The application deadline is the 25th of May, 2021.
We look forward to receiving your applications for our Incubation Program!
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