Registration has ended


Operation Charly is set up by aka Canneloni and will be a 2 day CQB expirience in Bosnia wraped in exiting missions, on the mount igman near sarajevo in an old abandoned Hotel. I work always with locals also in this case i work with the normal field owner and organiser of this hotel-play-site.

This is an abandoned Hotel on mount Igman near Sarajevo. It is just a couple of minutes away from our sleeping Hotel. This Hotel was quite impressive in the past and can hold easily up to 200 players but for quality reasons we keep it low in the first events. It has several floors and posibilities to change the floors, of course there are also some places which are a bit more dangerous but we will work to save the place up on important places with wooden barricades etc. The Hotel is used by local special units for training cqb.

The game will be a battefield styled expirience, sliced in various missions abroad the hotel and outside of the hotel. We utilise claymore mines, electrical flagpoints (domination boxes), bombs, and more. You as a team will have a ticket system for more lives so you can risk more. Grenades, Smokes available..... fun fun fun


Ticket auswählen


Smokegrenades / Grenades / First Strike / Paint

Real Steel Shooting Range

Side activities

Die Teilnahmegebühr kann nicht erstattet werden. Wenn Sie nicht teilnehmen, ist ein Weiterverkauf mit Zustimmung
des Veranstalters möglich. Die Nutzung des Feldes am Veranstaltungstag erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko. Bei Personen- oder Personenschäden kann
der Veranstalter nicht haftbar gemacht werden. Daher ist die Spielverwaltung unbedingt zu befolgen. Aggressives Verhalten auf oder neben dem Spielfeld führt zum Ausschluss des Spiels.
The participation fee can not be refunded. If you do not participate, a resale is possible with the consent of 
the organizer. The use of the field on the day of the event is at your own risk. In the event of personal injury or personal
​​​​​​​injury, the organizer can not be held liable. Therefore, the game management is essential to follow. Aggressive behavior on or off the pitch leads to the exclusion of the game.
The registration for this event has ended.