(c) PIK e.V.


Workshop Announcement

2nd Workshop on Drivers of Climate Risks:
 Towards Operational Impact Attribution

Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 11am-5pm

at the

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Telegrafenberg A56, Potsdam, Germany




Dear natural hazards community,

We kindly invite you to register for our workshop on impact attribution of disasters at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research on 11 February 2025. Building on the successful first workshop from September 2023, which focused on multi-hazard impact attribution of past events, this one-day, on-site only event will bring together researchers working on impact attribution to discuss the possible methods, approaches and role in risk communication of prospective operational attribution systems.

This workshop is organized by Horizon Europe project COMPASS, which aims to develop a harmonised, yet flexible, methodological framework for climate and impact attribution of various complex extremes that includes compound, sequences and cascading hazard events. The workshop will be a forum of exchange between project researchers and the wider natural hazards community, especially in Potsdam/Berlin region.

The workshop will focus on discussions and exchange. To further facilitate this, we invite you to participate on-site and also present your poster in the topic of climate and/or impact attribution (number of places limited)!



Part I. Presentations (11:00-12:30): Three presentations will introduce the topic of climate and impact attribution, especially in context of prospective operational service:

  • Dominik Paprotny (PIK), leader on exposure and vulnerability for project COMPASS and formerly principal investigator for attribution project FloodDrivers, will introduce the topic of attribution and progress in the field since the first workshop.
  • Sanne Muis (Deltares / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), leader of project COMPASS, will update on the progress and achievements of the project;
  • Third contribution to be confirmed.

This part will end with 2-minute pitches made by the authors of posters.

Part II. Lunch and poster session (12:30-14:00): Extensive exchange between COMPASS researchers and other workshop participants will be enabled by combining lunch and poster session.

Part III. World Café discussion (14:00-15:00): Lead by four moderators, group discussions will be carried out on different aspects of operational impact attribution, especially data, methods and technical implementation. At defined intervals, participants will shuffle between groups in order to participate in all discussions by the end of the session.

Part IV. Keynote presentation and panel discussion (15:00-17:00): After a coffee break, moderators will briefly summarize the World Café discussion. Then, Freja Vamborg from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts will update the participants on the plans of the Copernicus Climate Change Service to operationalize attribution. It will segue into a panel discussion focused on the question how to effectively communicate attribution results to both the research community and the general public.



registration opening:     from now on
registration closure:      21 January 2025

On-site participation limited to 50, first-come, first-served. 
On-site posters limited to 12, selected by the organizers. 
Online participation (parts I & IV only) without restrictions. 

Please register  here  


The on-site participation is free. Coffee breaks and lunch will be provided.



This workshop is financially supported by Horizon Europe project „Compound extremes attribution of climate change: towards an operational service” (COMPASS) under grant agreement no. 101135481.

The main organizer of the workshop is Dominik Paprotny, who leads WP3 “Enabling impact attribution by multi-scale modeling of exposure and vulnerability” for project COMPASS.