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DaWetRest Webinar on the Call for Associated Regions

15th February 2024

1:30 -2:30 PM CET / 2:30 - 3:30 PM EST

Join our webinar to learn more about how your region can become part of the DaWetRest project!

As an Associated Region your knowledge and actions will be critical in demonstrating the replicability of our innovative solutions. In return, you will benefit from a grant of up to 75 000 €, having the opportunity to strengthen your approaches regarding wetlands preservation and restoration, learning more about building roadmaps, using tools and methods to assess ecosystems services, and organizing living labs on several topics of your interest.

This webinar, hosted by the Danube Delta National Institute for Reseach and Development, is intended to collectively answer open questions on the call, the application and selection process, as well as DaWetRest project activities.




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