Digital twins are seen as one of the key enabling technologies to allow a breakthrough of Industry 4.0 technologies. However, digital twins are often developed from only one perspective; interdisciplinary requirements are often neglected.
In this webinar, the concept of digital twins will be briefly introduced and practical research outcomes of the Digital Twin Academy (DTA) project presented. Afterwards, an overview on the digital twin requirements from electrical and mechanical engineering as well as information technologies will be discussed on the basis of virtual commissioning.
It is possible to participate online or offline in this webinar. The link to the online meeting room will be provided for registered participants.
The webinar is offered for free in the course of the Interreg Project Digital Twin Academy by the Institute for Applied Automation and Mechatronics (IAAM) at FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences . The Digital Twin Academy project is being carried out within the context of Interreg V-A Euregio MeuseRhine, and from the European Regional Development Fund.