Empowering Your Team
Empowered teams get more done and have more fun. What most of us know from experience is also backed up by numerous studies. When team members feel empowered, it leads to higher levels of commitment, performance and satisfaction at work. In times where many of us are working online, increasing the level of empowerment in your team is more relevant than ever.
Nevertheless, creating empowered teams can be challenging, whether or not your team is working online or in the same building. It depends on context, culture and the team members themselves. Like with many aspects of team culture, there’s no one size fits all solution to empowerment. Yet there are key elements and practices which empowered teams have in common, including shared purpose, clear roles and expectation and high levels of psychological safety, accountability and appreciation.
Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Empowering Your Team’. Over 90 minutes we will:
Explore the value of empowered teamwork and look at important factors and practices which support empowerment in a team
Reflect on your own experience and explore what supports and gets in the way of feeling empowered in a team
Share experiences, tips and learnings
Whether you are a leader, team member, or simply curious to learn about building collaborative and empowered team cultures, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop. Already have a high level of empowerment in your team? That’s great, we’d love to learn from your experiences as well!
It’s also a chance for you to learn about our 12 week online program, the Leadership Journey, where we cover topics including empowering and collaborative leadership and creating innovative team environments.
We look forward to exploring, reflecting and learning together with you!
The Unity Effect Team
Please note: the workshop times are in Central European Time.