LGBTI inclusion in Sweden's and Canada's development cooperation
The Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation cordially invites you to a Web-talk on „ LGBTI inclusion in Sweden´s and Canada´s development cooperation“ with Doug Kerr, Dignity Network Canada, Birgitta Weibahr, Sida and Marie Manson, RFSL
Wednesday, 12 May, 4-5 PM CEST.
Please register here before noon, May 12.
On the day of the event, all registered participants will receive the Zoom-Link a few hours in advance.
​​​​​​​On March 3, 2021 the German cabinet has approved the government´s "LGBTI inclusion plan for foreign policy and development cooperation". (link zu uns) This concept was drafted in response to longstanding calls from civil society, most notably the Lesbian and Gay Federation LSVD, Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation and the Yogyakarta Alliance. In order to contribute to a swift and meaningful implementation of the plan we would like to show what kind of plans other countries have and how these are implemented.
Why is it necessary not to discriminate against LGBTI people in development cooperation? Why is LGBTI inclusion in development cooperation needed?
With this event we would like to share some knowledge about Sweden´s and Canada´s exceptionally strong international role in LGBTI inclusion in development cooperation.
We are going to answer the following questions: What does the Swedish and Canadian LGBTI inclusion in development cooperation look like? What kind of plans are there? How have these plans evolved? How are they implemented? What role does civil society play? What is the role of LGBTI communities and non-governmental organizations in development activities?
Doug Kerr, executive director Dignity Network Canada, a Network of Canadian organizations interested in human rights for LGBTI people globally.
Birgitta Weibahr, Lead Policy Specialist Democracy and Human Rights, Department for International Organisations and Policy Support, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Expert in the audience: Marie MÃ¥nson, International Director, RFSL The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights
Moderator: Axel Hochrein, executive board member, Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation
The event will be held in English language without translation. There will be a Q&A after the panel.
It aims at development cooperation professionals, LGBTI activists, journalists, students, government representatives and everybody with an interest in the human rights of LGBTI people.
An event by Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation as part of the project: LGBTIQ Human Rights Defenders. Find more about the project in our Blog, tag MRV-2021.
Background information:
​​​​​​​The initial request for such a plan by German Civil Society was inspired by Sweden: Sida’s Action Plan on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Swedish Development Cooperation, 2007–2009 was drafted in close cooperation with swedish Civil Society, namely RFSL. The plan provided for the systematic inclusion of LGBTI people on all levels of development cooperation. There was an evaluation of the program in dialogue with civil society and intensive collaboration with donors and implementing organizations.
Canada is one of the countries that clearly stands up for the human rights of LGBTI people internationally. After years of succesful advocacy work by the canadian Civil society, most notably the Dignity Network, the Canadian government has recently approved 30 million Dollars for LGBTI human rights work.
Finally! The German government approves an LGBTI inclusion plan for foreign policy and development cooperation
Progress Assessment: Canada´s Progress on Supporting LGBTI Human Rights Globally since 2015
RFSL LGBTI Inclusion in Development Policy and Agenda 2030