Foto: Emily Schlegel


HRRC 2025 Conference "Human Rights in the Balance: Safeguarding Social and Environmental Sustainability"

On the occasion of its 4th conference, the Connecticut/Baden-Württemberg Human Rights Research Consortium (HRRC) invites its members to gather for a two-day conference aimed at grappling with the topic “Human Rights in the Balance: Safeguarding Social and Environmental Sustainability”. The conference will take place on June 17-18, 2025 as an in-person event at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) in Germany. If you are interested in participating in the conference, please fill out the form below. Registration is open until 1 April 2025.

  • Participation by HRRC members: All HRRC members are invited to participate in the conference. For those traveling to Freiburg for the occasion, please plan on arriving June 16, 2025 and departing June 19, 2025. There is no registration fee for the conference, and meals during the event will be provided.

    Regarding travel funding, we are currently unable to guarantee support for those attending the conference without an active role. The decision whether we can reimburse travel costs depends on various budget considerations, and we may only be able to say more after registration is closed. We will be in touch with any developments on this matter and thank you for your understanding. 
    One important note: If travel funding becomes available and you plan on arriving by plane, know that only economy airfare can be reimbursed. If you plan on traveling elsewhere before or after the conference, you need a price comparison for airfare directly before and after the conference. This comparison must be well-documented and it must be from the SAME DAY on which you book your flight. Don't hesitate to contact us for more details if you would potentially like to receive travel funding, if it becomes available.

  • Participation by non-HRRC members: Within the limits of existing capacities, conference attendance itself is open to all and free of charge (but funding is available only to HRRC members). Please note that your registration is not a confirmation that we will be able to accomodate your attendance due to limited space in the conference rooms. We will contact you with more information soon after registration closes in April 2025.

Up-to-date information can always be found on the conference website.

For questions, please contact us at any time.

Event coordinator
Laura Tribess (FRIAS, University of Freiburg)

Personal details

Additional information (relevant for HRRC members only)

You must agree to Eveeno's privacy policy to register for this event. Your data may be stored by the conference organizers on the servers of the University of Freiburg and used for the purpose of organizing this event.