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Interdentale Live in Congress
29 April 2023, DMG Dental Training Center Hamburg
Spotlight on! Pediatric dentistry - as smooth as possible, as invasive as necessary.
During our second Interdentale Live in Congress on 29 April 2023 we are going to focus on children-centred dentistry in all its facets.
Nowadays pediatric dentistry is playing an increasing role – in the scientific as well as in the media environment. A tremendous enhancement in diagnostic methods and treatment options ensure that parents pay increasing attention value on healthy primary teeth. Thus, the number of university departments of pediatrics and clinics specialized in pediatric dentistry was growing continuously over the last decade.
Which concepts are going to be succesful? What are the major challenges in treatment regimens for pediatric patients?
Prof Dr David Manton, PD Dr Michael Wicht, Dr Marina Papachroni, Dr Rebecca Otto and Prof Dr Katrin Bekes will guide you through the major principles of communication, diagnosis, information and treatment for young patients. Topics range from patient communication via preventive approaches and restorative treatment options with a special focus on MIH.
Our five experts in the field will be sharing their own experiences by introducing cases combined with their personal tips and tricks. They are looking forward to engaging with participants and answering questions. A panel discussion will be the wrap up of the day and provide you with a helpful summary for your own daily clinical work.
Finally, you are invited to join our evening gathering with some delicious drinks and snacks.
The convention will be held in English and qualifies for 8 seminar points.
Spaces are limited – so book early!
Register here »
Our program for you:
9 am until 5 pm, evening program approx. until 8 pm
Pediatric dentistry - an intriguing challenge Opening by Prof Dr David Manton
Communication with children and parents in the dental practice – a challenging triangle Lecture by PD Dr Michael Wicht
​​​​​​​According to modern ethical principles, the patient is the centre of the action and deserves our fullest attention. However, dealing with children of different ages in the dental setting most often requires involvement of the parents into the dis-course, which might be challenging.
Children are not little adults in fact they might be much more intelligent than grown-ups having just a lack of experience. Consequently, dentists and dental professionals will benefit from basic knowledge about age-specific communication aspects of infants and children.
This practice-orientated lecture will provide special features of children’s intellectual development with particular regard to communicative aspects that may in-stantly improve your skills when interacting with children and their parents in the dental setting.
Early Childhood Caries - find your target and act fast Lecture by Dr Marina Papachroni
Dental Caries in pre-school children has been described by numerous terms and attributed to many aetiologies over years.
Tertiary prevention for Early Childhood Caries (ECC) can involve both non-invasive and invasive preventive management in case of cavitated dentine lesions.
In this lecture we are going to analyse the prevention approaches and the restorative management in order to prevent further tooth breakdown, pain or pulp exposure. How we can arrest ECC lesions? How we can avoid cross-infection? Which are the risk factors?
In contrast to treatment in adults, pediatric dentistry has to consider factors such as age, cognitive development, pain perception and ability to describe it, child´s and parents´ cooperation, type of treatment etc. All these mentioned factors play an important role in the selection of dental treatment which much be mainly, children-centred.
The primary molar with a lesion - what can we do? Treatment options for different cases. Lecture by Dr Rebecca Otto
This lecture will give you an overview of the various treatment options for primary teeth. The challenge of caries treatment for primary teeth goes beyond the treat-ment of the cavity considering the child’s age and its behavior.
Age-related parameters need consideration when choosing suitable materials and treatment methods.
Which parameters have to be taken into account when choosing the treatment of primary teeth? What difficulties are there in the treatment of primary molars and which materials are suitable for the different indications?
The practical implementation and possible complications will be demonstrated by examplary cases.
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization – how can we diagnose and treat chalky teeth? Lecture by Prof Dr Katrin Bekes
Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a frequently encountered dental condi-tion worldwide, affecting around 13% of children. It is defined as hypomineralization of systemic origin of one to four permanent first molars frequently associated with affected incisors. Depending on the severity, the condition can be associated with dental complications including rapid wear, enamel loss, increased susceptibil-ity to caries, loss of fillings, and most of all, severe hypersensitivity often resulting in severe discomfort. Affected children should be diagnosed as early as possible and should be offered a treatment, that is appropriate to the severity of the con-dition.
This lecture aims to highlight different aspects related to MIH, from its diagnosis and classification possibilities to treatment approaches including prophylaxis and restorative options.
Panel discussion
Pediatric dentistry of tomorrow - a look into the future Prof Dr David Manton, PD Dr Michael Wicht, Dr Marina Papachroni, Dr Rebecca Ot-to & Prof Dr Katrin Bekes,
moderated by Dr Angela Mayumi Shimaoka
Get-together at DMG Dental Training Center with snacks and drinks
Spaces are limited – so book early!
Register here »
Event location
DMG Dental Training CenterElbgaustraße 248
22547 Hamburg
Coordinates (lat, long):
53.591385, 9.879608
Show mapRoute planner
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