
Dear international students,

On this website, you will find a detailed overview of the orientation events for international students. These events will be held online. 
Please register for the orientation events using the form below. 

We look forward to your participation!

Best regards,

Your International Student Support

Personal Information

Orientation Programme

Participation in the orientation events is compulsory for international students.

If you have a valid reason for not being able to attend certain sessions, please inform us in the ‘Further comments’ field.

10.09.2024, 10:00 Living in the Student Dormitories of the Heidelberg Student Union*

Only for students who have applied for a room in the student dormitories of the Studierendenwerk Heidelberg

20.09.2024, 14:00 Digital Platforms of HHN**

Only for students who are unable to attend the session on 11 September or have additional questions about digital platforms.