Registration has ended

Webseminar on the KET4CleanProduction platform and services

We kindly invite Enterprise Europe Network Advisors to get to know the KET4CleanProduction platform, which helps companies to find technology partners across Europe. Please register below and find out how to support your local SMEs to upgrade their production processes by applying Key Enabling Technologies.


10:00- 10:20

Presentation of the KET4CleanProduction platform

Steinbeis Europa Zentrum - Dr. Alejandra Campos

10:20 – 10:50

Benefits of KET4CleanProduction for EEN members

Steinbeis Europa Zentrum – Alexandra Fezer

Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. - Dr. Kinga Lorencz

Tera Tehnopolis d.o.o.- Elizabeta Mijatović

10:50- 11:00

How the collaboration between SMEs and technology centres works?

Jožef Stefan Institute- Tomaž Justin


Discussion round​​​​​​​

Your registration

Data protection

In accordance with GDPR, Steinbeis 2i GmbH (Kienestraße 35, D-70174 Stuttgart) informs you about the electronic storage of your contact data for event related documents (participant list / name plate) and for the purpose of the transmission of information relevant to you by the organizer(-s).

The use of this data remains restricted to the management of this event. To make sure that we can include you in our distribution list, you will need to accept the data protection policy.

Your data will not be passed on to third parties. You have the right to withdraw your consent that we store your data at any time without giving reasons via Your data will be deleted upon request, as long as the data won’t be required for other purposes or because of audits by the legal authorities. You have the right to request a copy of your stored data.

If you have any further questions concerning the privacy policy, please contact Alexander Stückler (

Please also note the general data protection declaration of Steinbeis 2i GmbH. You can find it here.

The registration for this event has ended.