Leading in Uncertainty
As we start into the new year, one thing is for certain: uncertainty is here to stay. So what have we learnt about leadership in these complex times that we can carry forward with us? And how can we support ourselves, our teams and our organisations to navigate uncertainty this year?
Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Leading in Uncertainty’. Over 90 minutes we will:
Introduce frameworks and approaches to make sense of the complexity we’re working in
Explore the importance of psychological safety for leading in times of change
Share practices and tools that support us to lead in uncertainty, which you can implement for yourself and others.
Reflect on what supports you to lead and be lead in challenging situations
Connect with and learn from other leaders from around the world
This workshop is for anyone who is curious to learn how to navigate complexity and uncertainty. Whether you are an entrepreneur, intrapreneur, you’ve been leading in uncertainty for years and want to reflect, or you’re just starting out on your journey as a leader, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop!
It’s also a chance for you to learn about our 12 week online program, the Leadership Journey, which is starting in March 2022.
We look forward to exploring, reflecting and learning together with you!
Emily Johnston and The Unity Effect Team
Please note: the workshop times are in Central European Time.