
Thursday, 19th September 2024
13:30 – 16:00 (UCT+2)

More than just flower strips
Experiences and recommendations
for more and better insect promotion
at landscape level

How to achieve a better area effect for insects in agriculture?

Kreis mit Pfeil nach links SilhouetteLIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions presents findings from around 60 demonstration farms in 7 regions in Germany and Italy.

How to scale up from individual farms to a landscape approach?

Kreis mit Pfeil nach links SilhouetteLIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions shows what is needed in the future so that biodiversity measures can be implemented more efficiently in landscapes.

How can policymakers promote insect-friendly agriculture?

Kreis mit Pfeil nach links SilhouetteLIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions presents first proposals for a better funding policy.

Participation is free. 

Find more information about LIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions: ​​​​​​​

Registration Â»