Making Conscious Decisions
Our time and energy are some of our greatest resources and how we choose to use them is essential to determining our productivity, contribution and wellbeing. Each time we say yes to a new opportunity, take on a project or task, or prioritise one task over another, we make a decision about how to use our energy, individually or as a team. Yet we often do not pause to consider why we do what we do. What drives our decisions? Are we making conscious decisions? And what could support us in our decision making?
Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Making Conscious Decisions. Over 90 minutes we will:
Share a framework and exercise we have developed to look at how we balance our time, what we say yes and no to, and what is driving these decisions.
Reflect on your personal decision making style and priorities.
Share experiences, tips and supportive tools
Whether you are a fast decision maker, a slow decision maker, someone who says yes to everything and everyone, or you have no idea what kind of decision maker you are, we invite you to make the decision to join us for an interactive workshop!
We look forward to exploring, reflecting and learning together with you!
The Unity Effect Team
Please note: the workshop times are in Central European Summer Time.