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Seminar 5 Creating new business models based on Design for Circularity - Culture, Mindset and Actiong for Radical Change
Moderators and Lecturers: Martin Beeh (Initiator and John Lam (Partner at State of Culture, Munich/Zurich)
16.00 to 16.15: Short recap of seminars 1 to 4, introduction of John Lam
16.15 to 16.45: Circular economy and the culture of change - how transformation can succeed (mindset, psychology, ESG - Environmental, Social and Government Framework, opportunities, success factors)
16.45 to 17.15 - The role of Humanity-Centred Design at „IPC - Industrial Design and Product Development for Circularity": People make the difference.
17.15 p.m. to 18.00 p.m. - Question and discussion session with the participants, with Martin Beeh and John Lam, as well as final review of the five-part seminar series, outlook, recommendations
Your benefits:
_Top Knowledge, Best Practise, ways to implement it into your professional work
_Meet and discuss with Design for Circularity expert Martin Beeh (Initiator of
_Build a network of like-minded Design for Circularity pioneers
_Get the full video recording of each class you participate
_Get Your participation certificate, from Plattform für Design und Innovation
Your benefits - In detail:
1/ Top knowledge - compact, relevant, targeted
The online seminar provides first-hand, cutting-edge knowledge. You get top knowledge as quickly as possible instead of having to work your way through endless sources yourself. We give you the top facts and tell you where you can read more.
2/ Understanding – by interaction, discussion, exercises
Successful learning always works like this: experience knowledge, understand knowledge, apply knowledge.
This is exactly how we work in the professional seminar: knowledge in a nutshell, we discuss about what we present to you. You ask questions, we ask questions, we understand together and learn what the new knowledge means for our work. We apply the newly acquired knowledge in case studies, which we assess, in our own cases, which we work out together.
We will also give you plenty of tips for implementing this in your work. You are welcome to bring questions with you. However, these should not be subject to confidentiality.
If you have specific questions about the circular economy for your company, we offer targeted individual counselling, including a confidentiality agreement: Top Talk - Individual (Design Charette).
3/ Apply your know-how for your job
In the Seminars 2 and 3, you learn and apply the tool "IPC – Industrial Design and Product Development for Circularity“ : get to know, understand and use it.
In the Seminars 2 and 3, we present our "IPC – Industrial Design and Product Development for Circularity“ tool, explain its added value and how to use it. We will show you an application study and explain how it can be adapted to your challenges. We develop a joint application study. This will enable you to use the "IPC – Industrial Design and Product Development for Circularity“ tool in your own company.