Free Online Workshop: Prioritising with Purpose
How much time are you spending putting out fires, versus lighting your own inner fire?
As we get into the final months of the year, it’s easy to get caught up in endless doing: reacting to the urgent things which come our way, crossing items off our never-ending to-do list simply because they are on a list, or someone asked us to do it. When we spread our focus and energy in so many directions, we can lose sight of what really matters, in the moment and in the bigger picture. How often do you pause to ask yourself, is this really important? Does it connect to my purpose, or that of my team or organisation? What would happen if I didn’t do this right now?
We often like to start the year with purpose, and now we invite you to end the year with purpose too. Even if you don’t have your purpose clear right now, we all have a sense of what’s important to us and what lights us up.
Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on Prioritising with Purpose. Over 90 minutes we will:
Look at how purpose can support us not only to find meaning in our lives, but to set priorities and make daily and strategic decisions, on an individual and team level
Reflect and reconnect with your personal purpose and what’s truly important to you
Share tools and strategies for setting focus, deprioritising, uncommitting and saying no - so you can focus on what is important in the short and long term
This workshop will be facilitated by Emily Johnston, co-founder of Unity Effect.
This is our final free workshop for 2022. We hope to see you there, and look forward to continuing exploring leadership, teamwork, purpose, impact and facilitation with you next year!
Emily and the Unity Effect Team
Please note: the workshop times are in Central European Time (GMT+1). We do not record our workshops but you will receive the workshop materials afterwards.