​​​​​​RESEARCH IN EUROPE |Information day
18. April 2024; 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr
​​​​​​​Forest Campus (Pfeil-Auditorium) Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
Waldcampus (Pfeil-Auditorium) der Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
10:00 Welcome/Begrüßung - Präsident Prof. Dr. Matthias Barth (HNEE); Dominik Maas (KoWi); Falk-Florian Hoene (MWFK)
​​​​​​​room 1/ Saal 1: early career stages/ Frühe Karrierestufen
10:25 Uhr Expert panel discussion: What are defining features "good research" funding and career support? - Dr. Margret Heinze (DFG); Dominik Maas (KoWi); Prof. Dr. Denise Margaret Matias (HNEE); Lia Lang (Helmholtz)
11:00 Coffee break/ Kaffeepause
11:20 Uhr KoWi: MSCA Doctoral Networks - Laura Willems with testimonial from Thomaz Offrede; Humboldt Universität
12:00 Uhr NAWA: Support to early-career scientists from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange - Piotr Serafin
12:40 Uhr Lunch break/ Mittagspause (Mensa)
13:30 Uhr DBU (online) : PhD-scholarship program of the German Federal Environmental Foundation - Dr. Melanie Kröger
14:10 Uhr Max Planck Society: How to apply for a doctoral position in the Max Planck Society - Dr. Cassandra Visconti
14:50 Uhr Leibniz Association: Offers for early career stages at research institutes of the Leibniz Association - Benedikt Fausch
15:30 Uhr DAAD: Studying or doing a doctorate abroad - scholarship programmes for students and doctoral candidates - Oliver Reinken
16:10 Uhr DFG: Funding opportunities for researchers in the PhD and ealy postdoc phase - Research Training Groups, PhD funding and the Walter Benjamin Programme for mobility - Dr. Margret Heinze
room 2/ Saal 2: Collaborative research and late career stages/ Verbundforschung und höhere Karrierestufen
11:00 Coffee break/ Kaffeepause
11:20 Uhr KoWi: MSC Fellowships, ERC - Dominik Maas
12:00 Uhr DAAD: International Research Mobility - Dr. Fangfang Xu-Suhren
12:40 Uhr Lunch break/ Mittagspause (Mensa)
13:30 Uhr KoWi: Collaborative research under Horizon Europe, Pillar II for postdocs and doctoral students - Bettina Schelkle ; testimonial from Dr. Susanne von Münchhausen (HNEE)
14:10 Uhr Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation: Post-graduate programs of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation - Dr. Michelle Herte
14:50 Uhr DFG: Funding opportunities for advanced postdocs - Emmy Noether Groups, Heisenberg Programme, Individual Research Grants and the DFG review process - Dr. Margret Heinze
15:30 Uhr "Who helps?" Information sources and support structures for proposal writing - Dr. Jakob Wegener
16:10 Uhr Helmholtz: Career opportunities at Germany's biggest research organization - Lia Lang
Your contact persons/ Ihre Ansprechpartner*innen:
KoWi - European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisation
Dominik Maas -
Laura Willems -
HNEE - Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
Jakob Wegener -
Das EU-Kompetenznetzwerk der Brandenburgischen Hochschulen wird durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg gefördert.
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