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Welcome to our isolator roadshow 2022 - Cell & Gene special!
This exclusive event series is intended to foster conversation and learning about the latest trends in isolator technology, Cell & Gene applications in isolators, sterility testing and related topics.
Isolator users and SKAN experts give practical insights into the working environment, troubleshooting workshops, and the future of training, maintenance, and life cycle support of isolators.
Our highlight: We bring 2 life size isolators to touch and try!
Don`t miss this superb networking opportunity with access to expert know-how coming near to your place.
REGISTER NOW! Places are very LIMITED to only 30 participants!
Learning objectives:
- How is SKAN serving it's customers worldwide
- How does an isolator work
- What are its advantages over a cleanroom or a safety cabinet
- How does it feel to use a real isolator - from an ergonomical point of view
- Why are isolators more cost-effective than cleanrooms
- Which configuration options do isolators have for the different applications
- How is cGMP compliance secured
- How easy and reliable is a glove test
- What do other customers say about the SKAN isolator solutions
- The AHA-effect of using VR glasses to absolve a training
- How SKAN's service supports you remotely through Augmented Reality and what that means for the future
- Which other factors must be taken into account when using an isolator
- Which material is good for decontamination with H2O2, which cleaning agents can be used
- Which agents can generate a false negative result in sterility testing
- ...and many more
8:30 | Arrival at location & welcome coffee |
9:00 | SKAN introduction |
9:30 | Introduction in isolator technology and Cell and Gene handling |
10:15 | Coffee break |
10:45 | Cell and Gene process workflow in an isolator |
11:30 | Customer success story from "Autolous" - Key decision to use an isolator in a Cell and Gene environment |
12:00 | Workshop: Practical insights into the working environment - hands-on in our real isolator! |
13:00 | Lunch break with networking opportunity |
14:00 | Workshop: Cryo-/closed vial filling with the cryo-vial pioneer "Aseptic Technologies" |
15:00 | SKANalytix case study: Process and product safety secured by analytical data |
15:30 | Coffee break |
16:00 | Workshop: PURE - the start-up isolator solution - the bridge from workbench to cGMP production isolator |
17:00 | Future outlook of Cell and Gene applications in isolator technology |
17:30 | Get together with BBQ at event location |
20:00 | End of event |
This event is in ENGLISH.
The participation fee is € 199.- per person.
Please find the location details on the right menu.
Depending on the current and local Corona situation, the according measures will be put into effect.
Further information tba shortly before the event.