Pilar Felix

Registration has ended

SMSC Basel 2021

sexual health - let's talk

Welcome (again) to the registration for the SMSC Basel 2021!

This time without the university bound limitation. 

Please choose YOUR university!

Personal informations

Every participant will get a goodiebag, so please specify your adress.

If you use your private mail address, we have to cancel your registration.


Please choose the lectures you want to watch

Please choose your two workshops.


swimsa College-Jacket

You have the possibility to order a swimsa college jacket! Show everyone, that you are a medical student :) 

That's it! Thank you so much :)

You will get an e-mail with your booking cofirmation very soon.

Please respect, that your workshop registration is binding. If you would like to deregistrate, we kindly ask you to send us an e-mail to sekretariat.smsc.ba@swimsa.ch

We are excited to see you soon (online) ;D

The registration for this event has ended.