(c) Bruce Emmerling auf Pixabay


TIPMIP is an international intercomparison project that aims to systematically advance our understanding of tipping dynamics in various Earth system components, and assess the associated uncertainties. Inconnecting and evaluating various models, TIPMIP will fill critical knowledge gaps in Earth system and climate modelling by improving the assessment of overall anthropogenic forcing and long-term commitments (irreversibilities). It will furthermore foster interdisciplinary knowledge transfer and shed light on critical processes currently underrepresented in Earth-system models and analysis.

This year we will host our second community meeting: - the “TIPMIP General Assembly, hosted by Future Earth/Earth Commission”- in conjunction with the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C.. The meeting will take place Baltimore, Maryland (~50 mins by train from Washington).

This registration is for the entire conference, which will take place from 4th to 7th December 2024.

Participant data

Travel assistance and accommodation for early-career researchers and those needing additional support may be available, especially for early-career researchers and those from the Global South. If your participation is contingent on accommodation and/or travel support being provided, please indicate so here with a brief explanation. If your abstract is accepted, we will let you know about possible financial support.

TIPMIP loves great SciComm, and seeks to offer an opportunity for those engaged in public science communication to showcase their efforts. If you're doing exciting SciComm related to your work, please submit a brief description here (as well as any relevant links), if you would like to be considered for participation in the SciComm event!

Unfortunately abstract submission has already closed - however, check this box if you would like to be contacted in the case that a place for a presentation becomes available.


Organizational matters


We would like to point out that within this conference, personal data such as your contact details will be processed by us. This data will be processed exclusively for the purpose of contacting you, providing you with information and inviting you to events in compliance with the EU-GDPR. Data economy, data minimization as well as your rights as affected parties are extremely important to us. If you have any objections, please contact the organising team.

If you have general questions in regards to data protection @ PIK, you can contact our data protection officer at datenschutz@pik-potsdam.de at any time. Please read our Data Protection Policy carefully.

The organizers will ask for your written consent for the production and publication of any photo, audio and video recordings at the beginning of the event, if they occur.


During the event, the organizer will take photographs for the purpose of conference documentation. These may be published on the website of TIPMIP and PIK, used in the conference documentation, project reports and sent to the participants. No rights or fees can be derived from the consent to use the photos.


The conference will be executed based on the teleconferencing system Zoom provided by Zoom Video Communications, Inc. ("Zoom"), 55 Almaden Boulevard, 6th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113. We are not planning recordings of speakers and participant discussions, but there might be a livestreaming of selected parts of the conference.  If you participate in discussions, you and your contributions to the discussion by audio, video and/or chat will be a part of the conference session and will be streamed using the Zoom infrastructure and might be transferred to the USA or other Zoom computing centers in the world. At the same time, to ensure compliance with EU data protection law, we kindly ask you to not film, take photos, record or further publish any material of the conference and the following discussion. Also please do not forward any Zoom links to third parties. Your participation in these Zoom sessions is not required by law or contract. If you do not provide us with your personal data for the purpose of these meetings, you cannot participate in the conference.  If your personal data are processed, then you are a data subject within the meaning of the EU-GDPR and you shall have rights vis-à-vis the Controller.


Streaming parts of the conference such as key-note speeches and select sessions for the purpose of allowing for a larger audience to benefit from the speeches. In case a particular session or key-note speech will be streamed, this will be announced latest at the beginning of a session/ speech.

I do not derive any rights (e.g. remuneration) from the consent to publication. This declaration of consent can be revoked by contacting the event organization team at any time with effect for the future. In case of revocation, the recordings will be removed from the respective platform.


I hereby confirm that my poster/presentation can be published on the website of TIPMIP and PIK. We ask you to check your presentation for third party copyright conflicts prior to publication. We recommend the publication of the presentation under the CC BY 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed). This will facilitate further usage of the presentation (e.g. within university lectures).

The catering during the workshop will be 100% vegetarian with vegan options. Please let us know in advance if you need to follow a certain dietry due to allergies or intolerance.

We are looking forward to your abstract submissions.

You can always reach us by email to the organising team

Best regards

on behalf of the TIPMIP GA organising team