Registration has ended

Virtual Campus Day International

Here comes your chance to learn more about your dream study at the SRH University in NRW!

You can connect online from the comfort of your own home and clarify your questions about your desired degree programme at the SRH University in NRW with our team. Simply book a time slot on Tuesday, 06.12.2022, between 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. Central European Time (for prospective students from India, 2.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. Indian Time) and let us advise you on your start in the summer semester of 2023.  

Exchange ideas with our students, ask our professors all your subject-related questions and your general questions about your application, life in Germany, the search for accommodation or the visa to our student advisory service and our applicant management.
So what are you waiting for, book your time slot now!

We are looking forward to meeting you!
Your SRH Campus Team

To make sure you don't miss any more information in the future, follow us on Instagram (srh_nrw_hamm, srh_campus_rheinland and srh_campus_muenster).


Please provide us with your contact details so that we can inform you in time in case of an event cancellation. Thank you for your support!

Please indicate here which form of study you are interested in

Time slot Booking

After you have entered your preferred form of study and your time slot, an access link will be sent to by email. Please check your spam folder here and let us know if you have not yet received an access link. Thank you for your support!

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The registration for this event has ended.