Anmeldung beendet

The coaching workshops "Submitting Your Proposal" give you not only helpful insights into the FWF's funding principles and decision-making procedures, but also advice and tips on how to submit an effective application. These events are aimed especially at researchers with the required qualifications who are planning to submit a proposal in the near future.

These coaching workshops are designed to be particularly practice-oriented: Inputs from the FWF service team are paired with practical exercises using real-life FWF applications. Participants take on the role of experts and analyze and discuss applications, including the reviews that led to the approval or rejection of each proposal. Dos and don'ts when preparing applications as well as important aspects of the review and decision-making process round out the workshops.

The coaching workshop “Submitting Your Proposal” is aimed at researchers who are already familiar with the FWF portfolio and have ideally attended one of the above-mentioned info events. Interested individuals from all disciplines are invited to attend. As important multipliers, we also welcome staff members of institutions’ research service centers to our workshops.

This FWF Coaching Workshop will be held virtually via Zoom. Content-wise, virtual workshops differ only slightly from face-to-face events. However, we do ask all participants to familiarize themselves with sample application documents in advance so that they can actively participate in the group discussions during the virtual workshop. These materials will be made available online approximately one week prior to the event date.

The attendance fee is 80,00 Euro per person. Many universities and research institutions reimburse all or part of the attendance fee.

To participate in this event, please use the registration link on the right. Once you have signed up to attend, you will receive a confirmation email including the access data for the webinar and an invoice from Eveeno. Payments will be processed through Eveeno, which offers the most popular online payment options. You can provide additional invoice details in the next step as needed.

Please note that your registration is binding. Participation can be cancelled free of charge up to 14 days before the event at the latest. In the case of a no-show, the entire fee will be charged. Alternatively, you can send an email with the name of a substitute participant at the latest two days before the date of the workshop. The number of participants is limited. If there are too few registrations, the FWF reserves the right to cancel an event.

Further details on FWF events can be found at

This event will be held in English.

Teilnehmer:in // Participant

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Your personal data entered above will only be processed and stored for the purposes of organising and running the event and, if necessary, for contacting you within the scope of these purposes. This personal data will be deleted after the event. Processing this data is necessary for the purpose of holding the event you are currently signing up for. The legal basis for processing this data is in particular Article 6 (1) item b of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) will treat your personal data as strictly confidential. We will not disclose your personal data to third parties or use it for any purposes other than those stated in our privacy policy. For further information on data processing at the FWF, please see our privacy policy:

Die Anmeldung für diese Veranstaltung ist leider beendet.