
There is a large number of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) in Europe and many EDIHs are still challenged by both scoping and framing the services they want to supply to their customers (locally and across borders) and by connecting to related or complementary EDIHs for joint activities and signposting of customers.

Thus, a number of EDIHs initiated a webinar for EDIHs to present their services and to identify collaboration themes and concrete opportunities for joint action.

The webinar takes place virtually on Thursday 22/2/2024 from 2pm to 3:30pm. It is organised by EDIH-AICS, the European Digital Innovation Hub on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, based in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The approach of the workshop is twofold:

Firstly a small number of EDIHs will pitch their services in not more than five minutes and identify one strand of services or one theme/technology/sector they are interested in to further discussing collaboration opportunities.

The second part will be an interactive session where participants will have the opportunity to discuss potential collaboration interests in smaller groups in more detail.

This event is open to EDIHs, other DIHs, clusters and networks that are interested in finding out more about EDIH services as well as about concrete collaboration opportunities. Companies or other organisations experienced in EU-collaboration can join, too, but they are not the main target group of this webinar.

Save your spot now! Â»


14:00 Introduction and welcome by EDIH-AICS

 Service pitches of selected EDIHs

  • Boost Robotics, NL
  • DInO, DE
  • EDIH Südwest, DE
  • EDIH Tech4effiency, ES
  • EDIH AddSmart, DK
  • Additional EDIHs tbd

 Interactive session to identify joint collaboration interests and opportunities

15:25 Wrap-up, next steps and closing