
7th workshop organised by the research department Basic Income Support and Activation and the working group Social Protection in Changing Times at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

Aims and Topics: 

The research department Basic Income Support and Activation and the working group Social Protection in Changing Times at the IAB invite interested researchers to submit their extended abstracts or full papers to the 7th workshop ‘Evaluation of Passive and Active Labour Market Policies’. The workshop provides an opportunity for researchers working on related subjects to present their research, receive constructive feedback and meet other scholars in the field. 

The workshop accepts empirical contributions that assess the design, implementation and impact of passive and active labour market policies. Examples include:

  • Effects of passive and active labour market policies on labour market outcomes and wellbeing.
  • Impact of automation and use of artificial intelligence within public employment services.
  • Research on street-level bureaucracies, the behaviour of caseworkers and the role of public employment services.
  • Econometric and statistical methods for the evaluation of passive and active labour market policies.

We welcome submissions from various disciplines including economics, sociology, econometrics, statistics, political science, and related fields. Please submit your extended abstract (minimum 1,000 words) or full paper in pdf format to

Call for Papers:



30-31 October 2025


Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Regensburger Strasse 104
D-90478 Nuremberg, Germany


Prof. Michael Rosholm (University of Aarhus) 




  • Deadline for Submissions: 4 May 
  • Notification of Acceptance: early to mid of June
  • Final registration deadline: 27 July 
  • Conference: 30-31 October 2025
