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The safety assessment of packaging materials poses an ongoing challenge for the industry. Not only in the food sector, but also for cosmetics and pharmaceutical companies – safety of the final product must be ensured. Latest developments in the fields of recycling and reuse of packaging made this challenge even more complex.

FH Campus Wien – University of Applied Sciences will host the second international symposium on current developments, advances and challenges in this field. Together with our long-time project partners from OFI, we organise an interdisciplinary exchange to identify the current state of the art as well as important questions in the field of packaging safety assessment in the near- and long-term future. Renowned experts from the field, scientists, industry representatives as well as students are invited to participate.

Wendsday, 22th January 2025, 9.30 to 18.00
FH Campus Wien
Favoritenstraße 232, Festsaal



If you need anything specific for your participation, such as a sign language interpreter or technical support for hearing impairments, please contact Bernhard Rainer by January 6, 2025, at Bernhard.rainer@fh-campuswien.ac.at or +43 1 606 68 77-3583.

We will be taking photos and videos at this event. The recordings will be used to showcase our activities on social media channels as well as in print media. For more information, please see our privacy policy.