UNIC | ONLINE Expert Panel Discussion Open Science: Open Science and my research career – current and future developments
For doctoral researchers & postdocs from all UNIC universities | all research fields
Date: June 28, 2024
Time: 10.30 – 12.00 h (German time UTC+2)
Language: English
Online by Zoom (link will be provided shortly before the panel discussion)
Open panel discussion with experienced Open Science experts. You are most welcome to bring in your interests, experiences and questions. Learn and discuss about topics as
- Integrating Open Science into own research: Is this rewarding for me as early career researcher?
- Will Open Science contribute to my research success: recent changes in the evaluation of scientific outcome and performances (e.g. CoARA)
- Will practicing Open Science be recognised for my research career?
- Does Open Science contribute to my research reputation?
- How to deal with the gap between traditional research evaluation and new upcoming standards to evaluate research and research outcomes: benefits and risks?
- Zooming in the ongoing (political) discussion about Open Science: what will come up within the next 5 years?
Discus with
- Dr Chrysoula Papacharalampou; Executive Director of the Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), ERIM’s Policy Officer for Doctoral Education; suporter of the interation of Open Science practices in research
- Laura Niemi (University of Turku; Responsible research; Open Science; Impact; Responsible Assessment of Research and Researcher; Citizen Science; Entrepreneurship; Co-creation of new value)
- Janne Pölönen, Secretary General of Publication Forum at the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies; COARA Steering Board
- Dr. Julian Vuorimäki; research manager for open research at the Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin; previously he worked at the EUA (European University Association), among others
- Dr. Karen Matvienko-Sikar; University College of Cork; lead of Principles and Practices in Open Research (PaPOR TRaIL)